From Beginning to End

We specialize in planning, coordinating, and executing projects according to specific requirements and constraints

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Machinery Corporation of Guyana (MACORP)
Providence, East Bank Demerara, Region 4
October 2018 - March 2019

Site Development Works at MACORP Complex

C.B. & Associates Inc. was contracted as the consulting and management arm of the design- build team; with M&B providing the construction equipment, labour, and experience to successfully undertake the project. The project consists of the design and construction of a parking lot, vinyl sheet pile revetment, heavy-duty bridges, and other related infrastructure – drainage and fence.

Coastal and Marine Structure Analysis

C.B. and Associates provided a team of design engineers to design the facility and all associated structures. Supervision services included:

  • General project management
  • Monitoring the progress of the contractor
  • Ensuring that all engineering specifications are met during construction
  • Quality control and assurance
  • Supervision of all field and laboratory testing
  • Production of daily, weekly, and monthly progress reports
  • Coordination of progress meetings