Design & Supervision of Road, Structures & Drainage Network to Georgetown Marriott & Entertainment Complex
C.B. & Associates Inc. provided design services and subsequent ad hoc construction supervision services, as a sub-consultant for the construction of the access roads to the Georgetown Marriott & Entertainment Complex. The road drains and associated structures to the hotel had to be upgraded. The works consisted of the rehabilitation of 440m of flexible pavement (with asphaltic concrete), and the construction of 440m of hollow block concrete underdrains with R.C. Covers. The project timelines were critical, as the works had to be designed and constructed within three months of the opening of the hotel.
Design Pavement and Highway Analysis
C.B. & Associates Inc., provided sub-consultancy services to (M.A. Angeliades in association with) RBril for the design of reinforced block drains; culverts, and the pavement upgrade to the access roads to the hotel. The existing pavement had to be investigated and upgraded to satisfy serviceability requirements in accordance with AASHTO 1993. The drains were also designed and the cover was reinforced adequately to form a sidewalk. Hydrological and hydraulic analysis was an important aspect of the design work. Detailed topographic and cadastral surveys were undertaken by S.L.S Rutherford, under the supervision of C.B. & Associates. Surveys of Battery Road, NCERD Road, and sections of Water Street and Fort Street had to be surveyed, plotted, and analysed.